The Uzo Nishiyama Memorial Library was established in November 1997 for promotion of the studies and researches in the fields related to architecture, housing policy, housing planning and city planning and to preserve huge number of books and valuable materials collected by Dr.Nishiyama who had led the academic society of architecture and comprehensive urban studies in Japan. It is registered as a Non-profit Organization by the Governor of Kyoto Prefecture. Dr. Nishiyama had worked as a Professor of Kyoto University in Japan for more than a quarter of a century and trained many students to raise distinguished researchers in his fields. This library possesses various materials not only about architecture, housing planning and city planning but also social sciences such as community development and human settlement. Individual records such as sketch books, illustrations and diaries as well are in safekeeping by the secretariats. Reports and field notes at various investigations actually done by Dr. Nishiyama and his students are also thought to be valuable for studies on history of modern planning. About books and reports, we are expanding it by donation from researchers following Dr. Nishiyama furthermore. In this decade, we annually keep implementing a joint summer school with many universities not only from Japan but also foreign countries. Materials can be opened for members of the library, but please ask the details of use in addition to above to the library secretariat because some materials are closed during rearranging work for the time being. It is our pleasure for you to visit our web-site and search materials by some key words, though it may be available only in Japanese.
The UNML is reducing visitor services from the beginning of December 2022 due to donating important materials to the public library in September 2023. After the donation, we will remodel our building space in the fall of 2023. We are sorry for any inconvenience in this process. We will likely coordinate to view the material with the Kyoto Institute, Library and Archives, the public library where we donate the material. This institute is located at Sakyo-ku, Kyoto City. Please do not hesitate to contact us!
Nishiyama talks on housing problem
Teracced houses in Osaka, 1936
Children and teracced houses, 1935-1944
Dependent houses of the US force, 1946
Survey for farm house improvement, 1954
Housing project in Shinjuku, 1951
Play ground in a new town, 1960
Train houses in Kyoto, 1957
Children during Rapid Economic Growth
Landscape of Senri new town1966
Modern living room, 1959-60
Nishiyama goes abroad for a survey
Improvement Idea for Better Living, Woman Theory, Woman Problem, Economics, Sociology, Artistic Discussion, Technology Theory, Citizens' Movements in Kyoto
Preservation Plan for Historical Areas, Regional Plans, National Land Plan, City Planning, Community Development, Housing Plan, Design of Houses, Theory for Pre-war City Planning, Local Governments' City Planning Investigation during the World War II, Dojunkai, Housing Corporation or Housing and Urban Development Corporation Investigation Reports
Regional Development, National Trust's Investigations,Magazines before and after War about Housing, Social Policy Investigations, Meeting of Farm Villages Buildings, Sight-seeing Planning
Farm House Investigation in Pre-war Time, Investigation of Living Way in People's Common Housing, Kyoto Plan in 1964, Nara Plan in 1965, Japan for the 21st century, House Investigation after 1950
Lecture Notebook 1951-71, DEZAM Studies, Lecture Learning Notes during a Student of Kyoto University, Diaries, Journals (1923-1994), Collections of Data Notebook, Manuscripts before Publish, Memo, Architectural Design Esquisse, Original Drawings, Letters, Postcards, Sketches, Illustrations
Record of Hundreds of Thousands of Slides from 1935 to the mid 90's, Fields Surveys related to Housing and Environment. 100,000 pieces of image data was already scanned as electronic files.
A main purpose of our library is the contributtion to the study of human settlement and community development directed toward the human and ecological world. For this purpose, we keep collecting, rearranging, making public the various materials about the human settlement and community development studies. We are making the Database of the collected materials, and hold temporary and permanent exihibition in our exhibition room.
Sminars and symposiums collaborated with various organizations are held at the Sekisui R&D Institute in Kyoto or Osaka.
We annually hold a summer school at various sites not only in Japan but also in foreign countries. A hundreds of students and many professors from the west and east in Japan join the school .
We select the expert who is fit for a theme of each from the inside of a member of main meeting and meet the consultation and training of every kind in order to collaborate in according to a citizen, a business, technical consultation about a settlement / a community development from self-governing bodies and the training.
We organize a purpose and a meeting for the study to do by publication in order to publish study result about a settlement / a community development. We push forward editing work mainly on the house corporation materials which is existence of the best of concerned in Dr.Nishiyama's materials and we reproduce photographs taken by him and publish it.
Please send your message by e-mail, telephone or fax with Full name, Postal Address, Zip Code, Phone Number to the following secretariat. We send you a guidance and fee transfer paper soon.
A Postal Transfer is Available at Following Account
00960-6 -136337 (for Domestic Use Only)
Membership Annual Membership Fee
for an Individual 3,500 JPY 10,000 JPY as for Three Years in case of Advance Payment
Annual Membership Fee for a juridical person 10,000 JPY 25,000 JPY as for Three Years in case of Advance Payment
UNML is a Non-profit Organization registered by Kyoto Prefecture. Your e-mail inquiry is appreciated before visiting.
Open: Non-regular Service from September 2023
(Closed on National Holiday)〒619-0224
Kabutodai 6-6-4, Kizugawa City, Kyoto Prefecture.
Comprehensive Housing R&D Institute, Sekisui House Co. Ltd.
Access Map is here.